Thursday, 12 February 2015

Second and Third Edit of my Music Video

This is the second edit of my music video:

I have finished the opening sequence and I have now started work on the actual music video as seen in the third edit below.
Since the first edit I have edited down the leap through the air so that the performer doesn't take as long to jump across the screen. I have also edited in two fast cuts after the leap through the air because I feel that they keep the audience engaged . This then goes into an 8 second medium close up of her performing arm movemnts on her and towards the camera. I feel that this gives the feeling of a direct mode of address again, but also the movents fit the part of the monologue, it says that it is 'unique to us' and that her art is 'unique' to her.
The whole firt part of the video is abstratct and I feel that using the monochrome effect and the dance moves has successfully made the sequence abstract.

Fast cut 1 -

This is the third edit of my video:

I have now started work on the actual music video in my third edit. After the end of the dance section there is then a title page that says Presenting. This makes it seem like there is going to be a show/performance about to happen and that is the feel I want to get from my video; there is again another title screen that says 'Applause' this is the title of the song, something which I feel I have been inspired by existing products. The title sequences, like I have stated before, give the feel of a performance and that what you are about to watch is a show. This suits my music video because it is very performance heavy.
The sequence after the title screens is then the first bit of the whole music video in colour, juxtaposing the black and white effect of the beginning section. This is like the 1939 film 'The Wizard of Oz', where the movie bursts into colour when the action really begins.
The new edits that i have included show the performer on a side, this is for a section that I haven't filmed yet, based on the opening to Katy Perry's 'This is How We Do' section. I also have a black space at in the middle because I will have an old fashioned countdown sign based on the one below:

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