Tuesday 17 March 2015

Audience Feedback on Magazine Advertisement

What do you like about the poster?
  • The use of bold colour and geometric shapes which compliment the costume that Martha is wearing looks good as it makes a statement.
  • The poster is very eye-catching due to the choice of colours and special effect. I also like the use of minimal text as it makes it more appealing to look at. The design is that complex, that it's made to look simple which is also effective.
What can I improve?
  •  Make the 'Martha's Applause' more Predominant
  • Prehaps the 'Marths's Applause' may be hard to read for some people due to the double overlay.
What can you say about the colours used?
  •  The combination of primary and secondary colours compliment each other well and imediatly draw yourself to the poster - benefitial to the magazine.
  • I really like the choice of colours used as they are used in the Piet Mondrian pattern in the artist's top.
What can you say about the look/style of the advertisement?
  • The style of the poster is very retro and the use of layering is very effective
  • A simplistic use of geometric shapes and lines collaborate with the costume of Martha's. the lack of detail in the background help to centralise Martha and make her the focal point.
Would you buy the album after seeing this magazine advertisement?
  • I would deffo buy the album after seeing this
  • I would buy the album

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