Wednesday 18 March 2015

Final Ancillary Text 2

This is my final draft for my second Ancillary text, the magazine advertisment:

I am very pleased at how my Ancillary text has turned out. I especially like my use of shapes and colours that compliment each other and also compliment the style of my digipak.
The use of the shadowing effect was something that I thought really stood out when creating my digipak so i decided that it would be the main effect on the music magazine. I feel like I have come a long way in using different techniques on photoshop since I first started last year. Instead of using the magic wan tool to get rid of the background, i now take the photos on the background that I feel suits the style of my product the most and then use different tools from there such as the colour balance tool. This alows me to change the colour of the whole picture, mainly blues, greens and reds were used when creating this magaze advertisment. I then changed the opacity of the picture and layered the different pictures on top to create my desired effect.

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